The Tavistock Method
The Tavistock Method is
a) a method of institutional analysis for the purposes of action-research or organizational diagnosis;
b) an instrument for the professional development of managers, technical experts, and practitioners;
c) a technique for consulting to organizations in difficulty and their members.
It is rooted in the theoretical studies and applied projects conducted by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and the Tavistock Clinic in London, in the domain of social research and the psychodynamics of groups and organizations.
Over the past 60 years, the Tavistock Institute and Tavistock Clinic have engaged, both in collaboration with one another and separately, in the intense study of group relations, institutional processes, and consultancy services to public and private organizations, applying their findings to understanding work groups, analysing healthcare and social services systems, exploring the helping professions, and conducting organizational diagnoses and corporate counselling, with a particular focus on issues of authority and leadership.
This line of inquiry has produced, among other developments:
- the concept of the emotional functioning of groups proposed by Bion in his “basic assumption theory” (fight/flight, dependence, and pairing);
- a vision of social systems as defences against anxiety, developed by Elliott Jaques and Isabel Menzies;
- a broad set of studies on authority, leadership, roles, and institutional boundaries, especially by Eric Miller and Kenneth Rice;
- Gordon Lawrence’s discovery of the social meaning of dreams (“Social Dreaming”);
- the concept of organization-in-the-mind put forward by David Armstrong;
more generally, studies on the importance of emotion in human work and in the life of organizations.
The overall output of these avenues of research has come to be called the Tavistock Method, an eclectic conceptual paradigm born of the encounter between two different theoretical frameworks that over time have been found to complement one another very effectively:
- Group psychoanalysis as first proposed by W. Bion in the 1950s and further developed by his successors in the field (E. Jaques, I.E.P. Menzies, H. Bridger, P. Turquet, R. Gosling, etc.), who transferred it – recasting it as socio-analysis – to broader institutional contexts.
- Systems theory, which originated in the USA and Great Britain based on the work and general theory of systems of K. Lewin, and was later expanded as a socio-technical theory of groups and organizations, by scholars such as A.K. Rice, E. Trist, E. Miller, W.G. Lawrence, and others
The integration of these two frameworks, which has also been labelled the “systemic-psychodynamic” (or “group relations”) approach, has been further complemented by key contributions from other disciplines, including economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, management science, and business administration.
Thus, the Tavistock method is not a closed and all-encompassing theoretical system; it does not offer a comprehensive explanation of institutional processes and does not contradict or purport to replace better known and well-researched visions of organizational management or the psycho-sociology of work.

However, differently to these more mainstream perspectives, the Tavistock approach is informed by a “clinical theory of organizations” whereby the organization is understood as: a complex human system with its own life cycles and patterns of health and disease; a “body” that can experience suffering and vulnerability but is also capable of generative, or alternatively destructive and self-destructive, behaviour; a “mind” capable of learning and thinking; but also an organizational unconscious that is at work beneath surface and is driven by phantasies, myths, prejudices, and powerful primitive emotions. Hence, the method‘s particular focus on the grey areas of organizational life and the unconscious components of individual and group behaviour within an institution, based on the belief that that these factors significantly affect the functioning of the institution and its ability to pursue its primary task, the quality of its internal and external relations, and the capacity of its members to think, work creatively, and fulfil the requirements of their specific roles.
The starting assumption is that, in any organization, no matter how rationally, competently, carefully, and collegially plans and strategies are developed, and no matter how well resourced they are, they often prove to be at least partly deficient or fail to be fully implemented. Hence the working hypothesis that the causes of problems and failures or the emergence of powerful resistance to change can depend at least in part on unexpressed psychological factors and on unpredictable emotional processes with the power to influence the behaviour of leaders, managers, and co-workers. Given that such factors and processes, due to their unconscious nature, usually defy rational analysis, the systemic-psychodynamic Tavistock approach seems better equipped than others, not only to recognize and modify these variables, but also to use this exercise to build up organizational learning.
Application of the Tavistock method has produced clear evidence that the supposed rational nature of organizations is essentially a myth.
Originally devised in the English-speaking world, and further developed in the Central European cultural milieu, the Tavistock method has been gradually revisited and adapted to suit the specific socio-cultural characteristics of Italy and other Mediterranean countries.
Particular emphasis has also been placed on the need to promote exchange and synergies between health and welfare services and business organizations, with a view to overcoming the challenges inherent in communication between the logic of well-being and that of profit, and between a culture of thought and one of action, based on the belief that each of the two sectors has much to gain from engaging in dialogue and exchange with the other.
Group Relations Conference
The Group Relations Conferences, first launched in London 70 years ago and now organized all around the world, are training events at which participants are offered the opportunity to explore relations among people and groups.

Social Dreaming
Social Dreaming is a method of accessing the unconscious social knowledge contained in dreams; it sheds light on participants’ social environment and fosters meaningful conversations.

Institutional observation
Institutional observation is a method for investigating the conscious and unconscious dynamics at work in organizations.

Balint Groups
Based on a concept developed by Michael Balint, Balint groups offer members of the helping professions an opportunity to share their work-related experiences and emotions.

The goal of systemic-psychodynamic coaching is to work with individuals on their relationship with the organization. It is usually offered to senior figures and is appropriate to all kinds of work environment.
Theoretical reference materials
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– La stangata (The Sting, USA, 1973) – G.R.Hill.
– Una poltrona per due (Trading Places, USA, 1983) – J.Landis
– Wall Street (USA, 1987) – O.Stone
– I soldi degli altri (Other Peoples Money, USA, 1991) – N.Jewison
– Americani (Glengarry Glen Ross, USA,1992) – J.Foley
– Barbarians at the Gate (USA, 1993 – Film TV) – G.Jordan
– Casinò (USA, 1995) – M. Scorsese
– Rogue Trader (USA, 1999) – J.Dearden
– 1 km da Wall Street (Boiler Room, USA, 2000) – B.Younger
– The Bank: Il nemico pubblico numero uno (The Bank, Australia, Italia, 2001)- R.Connolly
– Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (Enron: L’economia della truffa) (USA, 2006) – A.Gibney
– The Corporation – (USA, 2008) G.Abbott
– Wall Street: Il denaro non dorme mai (W.S.: Money Never Sleeps, USA, 2010) – O.Stone
– Inside Job (USA, 2010) – C.Ferguson
– Capitalism – A Love Story (USA, 2010) – M.Moore
– Margin Call – (Usa, 2011) J.C. Chandor
SITI e BLOG (Ken Eisold) (Larry Hirschhorn)