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LFA 2024

11 October 2024 - 13 October 2024
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LFA 2024 – Group Relations Conference
14h edition


October 11-13 2024
Casa Raggio di sole, Pasturo (LC), Italy

Learning from action is at the core of this training. This involves exploring other languages as well as verbal language. The focus of this Working Conference is on making actions meaningful by considering them part of a different language.
The idea of these Working Conferences originates in the early 2000s from the joint thinking and cooperation between Robert D. Hinshelwood and Enrico Pedriali and then carried forward by Luca MIngarelli . This type of conference is now an item in the Standard Quality Manual of Community of Communities and the project “Visiting” promoted by Mito & Realtà Association.
The attribution of meaning to action becomes an essential working tool, not only owing to the dynamics present in all groups, but above all because of the difficulties encountered by most members of therapeutic communities in expressing emotion in words.

In this edition will be activated the Training Group.




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The primary task is to learn from the experience of exploring how unconscious and nonverbal communication and group dynamics shape Decision-Making processes and influences accountability and other aspects of living and working together’.


Indeed, Lfa is aimed at developing fundamental competences for all those who work in residential or semi residential institutions, and more generally in mental health institutions. Such competences are highly valuable for a wide range of professionals such as educators, nurses, assistants, administrators, managers, consultants, psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, neuropsychiatrists, social workers, carers, etc. However, as has already been successfully experienced in the past editions, professionals working in other areas, like the section of profit and corporate worlds, are also most welcome to join the conference.


This working conference will create an opportunity for a direct experience of the different elements that come into play when making decisions, and will stimulate reflection on what might constitute a democratic practice and an environmentally sustainable use of available resources in a healthy institution.


Friday 11th October
11,45-12,45 Registrazione dei partecipanti e spuntino / registration and snack
13,00-14,00 Riunione Plenaria di apertura / Opening plenary
14,00-14,30 Pausa / Break
14,30-16,00 Riunione decisionale plenaria / Decision-making plenary
16,00-16,30 Pausa / Break
16,30-17,15 Gruppi decisionali 1 / Decision-making groups 1
17,15-18,45 Attività 1 / Activities 1
18,45-19,00 Pausa / Break
19,00-20,00 Riunione di comunità della sera 1 / Evening community meeting 1
20,00-20,15 Pausa / Break
20,15-21,45 Cena / Dinner
21,45-22,15 Tempo libero comunitario 1 / Community free time 1

Saturday 12th October
08,00-09,00 Colazione / Breakfast
09,00-10,00 Riunione di comunità del mattino 1 / Morning community meeting 1
10,00-10,30 Pausa / Break
10,30-11,00 Gruppi decisionali 2 / Decision-making groups 2
11,00-12,30 Attività 2 / Activities 2
12,30-14,00 Pranzo / Lunch
14,00-14,30 Tempo libero comunitario 2 / Community free time 2
14,30-14,45 Pausa / Break
14,45-15,15 Gruppi decisionali 3 / Decision-making groups 3
15,15-15,30 Pausa / Break
15,30-16,45 Gruppi di revisione / Rewiew groups
16,45-17,15 Pausa / Break
17,15-18,45 Attività 3 / Activities 3
18,45-19,00 Pausa / Break
19,00-20,00 Riunione di comunità della sera 2 / Evening community meeting 2
20,00-20,15 Pausa / Break
20,15-21,45 Cena / Dinner
21,45-22,15 Tempo libero comunitario 3 / Community free time 3

Sunday 13th October
07,00-08,00 Colazione / Breakfast
08,00-09,00 Riunione di comunità del mattino 2 / Morning community meeting 2
09,00-09,15 Pausa / Break
09,15-09,45 Gruppi decisionali / Decision-making groups 4
09,45-11,30 Gruppi di Applicazione / Application groups
11,35-12,45 Attività 4 / Activities 4
12,45-13,45 Pranzo / Lunch
13,45-14,15 Lavaggio piatti & pulizie conclusive / Washing up & cleaning
14,15-15,15 Riunione plenaria conclusiva / Closing plenary
15,15-15,30 Commiato / Leave taking (tempo libero comunitario 4 / Community free time 4)

Any changes to this programme will be decided according to Staff needs and shared with partecipants before and during the Event


Director – Luca Mingarelli
Psychologist, social enterpreneur, founder director and creator of Therapeutic Communities for Adolescents, President of Charity Rosa dei Venti onlus, Past President of Il Nodo Group, Board member Mito&Realtà Scientific Association , Director of The National Network Therapeutic Community for Adolescent, Board member of International Network DemocraticTherapeutic Communities(INDTC), Board Member of The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities(TCTC). Director and Co-Director of LFA since 2011, LFA in Japan (2017 and 2019), of other GRCs in Italy (ALI, ECW) and abroad . Author of many volumes : Difficult Adolescents, an autobiography of a TC for adolescents ;Roles in Therapeutic Community – life and care organization- (2018); Learning form Action: Working with the Non -Verbal with R.D.Hinshelwood( Phoenix 2022). Ambassador of Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Third Paradise.

Associate Director – Lili Valkó
A clinical psychologist, group analyst psychotherapist from Budapest, Hungary. She has been a colleague of the therapeutic community of Thalassa Ház since 2007 in various forms from a university student volunteer through taking up leading roles to being a conductor of a tc training. She is an editor of the Hungarian psychotherapist journal “Pszichoterápia” and an active member of CSAKIT (the Hungarian group analysis association). She has been in the staff of LFA in 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2022,in the staff of PCCA in 2018 and in the staff of ALI 2022.

Administrator – Stefano Rambelli
Psychologist, Founding Partner and Connessioni Director of Generazioni s.c.s ONLUS. As a member of Generazioni, since many year, he planned and organized therapeuthic community for insane people even crime authority Supervisor and trainer for working group. Trainer and consultant for organizations and institutions Profit and No-Profit . Member of the Board and Treasurer of Nodo Group

Administrator in training – Federica Belosi
Pedagogist specialized in planning and management of educational intervention in social hardship. She worked as an educator in facilities for intellectual disabilities and later as a coordinator in a community for minors. Since 2018 she has been coordinator of residential facilities for the La Pieve cooperative, (Ra), dealing to date with both intellectual disability and mental health, including in patients with dual diagnoses and/or criminal offenders. Since 2022, contact person in the psychiatric area for the Sol.co Ravenna consortium. She participated in two editions of LFA in 2022 and 2023


Davide Catullo
Organizational psychologist and psychotherapist. He works in a community for young adults with dual diagnosis (CeAS Milano) and is the manager of a psychotherapy center for developmental age. He has also been a consultant for several organizations in the field of training and development (in healthcare and corporate contexts).
He was a member and professor of psychotherapy at the Institute of Group Psychoanalysis and at the Psychoanalytic Research Center on Groups. He is a member of the CS of the Mito e Realtà association for the study of therapeutic communities and a member of the Nodo Group (referee of the Milanese group of intervision on organizational cases).

Mazal Menahem
Rehabilitation psychologist – supervisor, Ph.D. in clinical neuropsychology, EMDR Diploma and supervisor. Working in the community mental health center of Hevel Eilot in South Israel, previously as a manager. From 2006 to 2020, national director of trauma therapy and resilience development in the Israeli Ministry of education. Since 2006 co-director for national psychotherapy programs for children at risk. Teaching educational psychologists a psychoanalytical systems approach for intervention in school. Kibbutz Samar member.

Scientific Supervisor (not present at the event):

R.D. Hinshelwood
Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, former Director of the Cassel Hospital in London. Member of the British Psychoanalytic Society, Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Professor at the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, UK


The A group’ s fee for the conference is €658,80 € (Vat included ) in double room and € 732,00 (vat included ) in single room.

The T group’ s fee for the conference is € 793,00 € (Vat included) in double room and €866,20 ( vat included)

Fees include participation to the whole Working Conference and overnight stay, meals included.

Request for any additional nights must be submitted to the Administrator

There will be: a 10% discount for persons from abroad, for the organizations in partnership and for 2 participants from the same association or company, a 20% discount for 3 and more participants from the same organization (it’s possible to use only one kind of discount).


Stefano Rambelli administrator LFA 2024

Federica Belosi administrator in Training


The location is relatively close to the airports of Bergamo Orio al Serio (50 km), Linate (70 km) and Malpensa (90 km) and can be reached from these in 1-1.15 hours by car. The nearest train station is Lecco.



AIRSAM – www.airsam.it
Cooperativa Sociale UTOPIA – Comunità Acquaviva www.cooputopia.it
FENASCOP- www.fenascop.it Fondazione ROSA DEI VENTI onlus – www.rosadeiventi.org
GENERAZIONI società cooperativa sociale ONLUS www.generazioni.eu MULBERRY BUSH SCHOOL – https://mulberrybush.org.uk OPUS – www.opus.org.uk OFEK – http://www.ofek-groups.org SIRPLo – https://riabilitazionepsicosociale.it (voce : Sezioni regionali)
TCTC – www.therapeuticcommunities.org
Thalassa Haz T.C. – www.thalassahaz.hu
Cooperativa Sociale LE VELE Onlus – www.levelemilano.it
The Network of Therapeutic Communities in Japan – www.reflective-tc.jimdofree.com
Metanoia Instituutti – https://www.metanoiainstituutti.fi
International Network of Democratic Therapeutic Communities – www.indtc.org
China American Society of Studying Group and Organization (Cassgo) – 中美团体与组织研究学会 (cassgo.cn)
Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems – www.csgss.org
C.O.I.R.A.G. www.coirag.org
Lituanian group relation society
Group relation international
AKRIce https://www.akriceinstitute.org/
Società psicoanalitica italiana C.N.C.A. Coordinamento Nazionale Comunita’ Di Accoglienza https://www.cnca.it/
CHT Community Housing and Therapy’s https://cht.org.uk/
INTERSTICIA https://intersticia.org/
La Pieve Cooperativa Sociale onlus – www.lapieve.it
Il Porto onlus http://www.ilporto.org/
Laura Cooperativa Sociale onlus – www.cooperativalaura.it
Consorzio Sol.co Ravenna Cooperativa Sociale- www.solcoravenna.it
Italian Society of Epidemiological Psychiatry (SIEP) https://siep.it/


11 October 2024
13 October 2024
Event Category:


Casa Raggio di Sole, Pasturo (LC)
Via Provinciale, 17, 23818 Pasturo LC
Pasturo, Italia