ECW 2025
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ECW 2025 Energy Creative Collaboration Wellbeing
16th edition – Group Relations Conference
30 May – 1 June 2025 – Casa Raggio di sole, Pasturo (LC)
Early bird discount until April 1, 2025*
* reduced rate for Nodo members and members of other partner organizations, further information in the participation fees paragraph
For 16 years, the “Energy, Creative Collaboration and Wellbeing Conference (ECW)”
has been at the forefront of reimagining group relations work. In a world where virtual
work, artificial intelligence, and our changing relationship with the environment create
increasingly complex demands, many people report feeling depleted and disconnected.
ECW has developed a unique approach that can inform our response to these challenges.
Whilst honouring the classic foundations of Group Relations, the conference has evolved to
embrace a more complete understanding of human experience and organisational life.
Info: ecw@ilnodogroup.it
ECW’s primary task is to explore how resource awareness, energy and creative collaboration can expand well-being in life and work. We do this by weaving together three vital elements:
- Classic Group Relations methodology: examining task, authority, leadership and followership, and organisational dynamics through both conscious and unconscious processes
- Somatic awareness and movement: understanding group life through physical presence, voice and creative expression
- Ecological approach: exploring our relationship with nature and the interconnected systems we inhabit
ECW welcomes curious minds from all professional backgrounds, cultures and countries. This conference is particularly valuable for:
- Leaders and professionals seeking deeper insights into group dynamics and organisational behaviour
- Change-makers interested in sustainable approaches to organisational challenges
- Those looking to bring innovation and wellbeing into their professional environments
- Practitioners wanting to understand the unconscious forces that shape group behaviour
Whether you are new to Group Relations or a returning participant, ECW offers hands-on experiences and reflective practices, with practical insights that translate directly to your professional and personal life.
Our approach to learning is dynamic and evolving – we see each conference as an opportunity to build on collective discovery. For returning participants, each experience offers new layers of understanding and fresh approaches to applying these insights in their work and lives.
Through this integrated approach, we create a temporary learning organisation where participants explore group dynamics through:
- Traditional events: plenaries, social dreaming matrix, institutional events, large groups, review and application groups
- Creative sessions: movement work, artistic expression, voice and sounds
- Integration work: connecting individual and group experiences, as well as body and mind with the environment
<strong>WORKING CONFERENCE</strong>
Begins: 12.30 on Friday 30 May
Ends: 14.00 on Sunday 1 June
Registration: from 10.15 – 12.00
Begins: 17.00 on Thursday 29 May
Ends: 14.00 on Sunday 1 June
Registration: from 16.30 – 17.00
DIG- Deepening Integration Group- only 5 places
The DIG is an exclusive opportunity for a restricted number of experienced participants to explore group dynamics at a deeper level. The DIG offers advanced perspectives on conscious and unconscious group processes, enhancing your ability to recognise and work with these dynamics in both personal and professional contexts. Open to those with previous experience in GRCs, applications are subject to review.
The DIG runs alongside the main conference, creating a unique meta-learning space where participants can develop deeper insights into body-mind connections and organisational dynamics, as they unfold.
Marco Valerio, Co-Director:
Scientific researcher on the body-mind connection, university lecturer and organizational consultant. Marco administered and consulted in previous online and in-person editions of ECW and has been involved in group relations conferences in Europe, Asia, and Australia. He is passionate about the relationship between embodiment and the unconscious.
Rachel Kelly, Co-Director:
Group Relations and Organisational Development Consultant at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London, with extensive experience of staffing Leicester conferences and international Group Relations Conferences. Teacher of the Alexander Technique and Yoga. She is interested in exploring relatedness by studying the unconscious and conscious awareness through journeys into embodiment, sensation, perception, the imagination, mind/body/spirit and oneness.
Luca Mingarelli, Associate Director and DIG Director:
Chairman Foundation Rosa dei Venti. Social entrepreneur, Psychotherapist (ECP, WCP). Director of Therapeutic Community for adolescents, Organizations consultant. Faculty of Psychosomatics. Past president of Il NODO Group. OPUS member. Creator and co-director of innovative GR events such as “ECW” and “Learning From Action.” Director of the ECW Method.
Elisa Mingarelli, Administrator:
People and project manager of Foundation Rosa dei Venti, she studied psychology and she is interested in the area of the Social Dreaming as a facilitator and a researcher from 20 years. She works as a consultant with nature in connection with primary elements, creativity, body and mind.
Jack Lampl, Consultant:
Organizational Consultant, Visual artist and videographer, Credentialed Mediator National Conflict Resolution Center, San Diego, Certified Group Relations Consultant, AK Rice Institute, Past President Threshold Foundation, Past President and Fellow AK Rice Institute, Member of AKRI and Grex, AKRI West Coast Affiliate, External Board Member San Diego Psychoanalytic Center.
Hanna Fisher, Consultant:
Hanna was born in Italy to a mixed heritage family. She specialised in clinical psychology with a thesis on the body- connection and in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the Tavistock Centre, London. She currently works as a child- adult psychotherapist and supervisor for children and adults. She is co-founder of Wild Thoughts, an innovative organisational consultancy practice focusing on wellbeing and sustainability in organistions and social change.
The Directorate always keeps this conference as accessible as possible. The fee contributes
to the possibility of awarding reductions to those who are interested in participating in ECW
and have fewer financial resources. The fee, including VAT at 22%, includes accommodation
and full board from Friday – Sunday, 30 May – 1 June 2025.
Early Bird – before 1 April – Fee € 560 + VAT = € 683,20
Regular – after 1 April: € 660 + VAT = € 805,20
Deepening Integration Group – Early Bird – before 1 April: € 630 + VAT = € 768,60
Deepening Integration Group – Regular – after 1 April – € 730 + VAT = € 890,60
Reduced Fee: for Nodo group members and other conference sponsoring organisation – for groups of 2+ people registering together
IL NODO MEMBERS (12% DISCOUNT): 492.80 + VAT 22% = € 601
Additional Individual Benefits:
Fees can be further reduced in specific situations of need. Applications must be received by
Tuesday 1 April 2025 at ecw@ilnodogroup.it.
The booking fee is non-refundable unless there are international travel restrictions (minus
administrative and handling costs).
How to reach the site
The venue: Casa Raggio di Sole welcomes groups wishing to spend time in a quiet and beautiful environment. The venue has both single and double rooms, en-suite, is accessible, and offers a warm and comfortable environment. Pasturo, near Lake Como, is a quiet village surrounded by mountains that offer clean air and natural serene beauty.
Travel: the location is close to the airports of Bergamo Orio al Serio (50 km), Milan Linate (70 km) and Milan Malpensa (90 km) and can be reached from these in 1-1.15 hours by car. The nearest train station is Lecco.
Pets and babies are welcome, accompanied by people who can take care of them.
Partners (in collaboration with)
ACANTO association for the study of group dynamics, federated COIRAG, has been operating for over twenty years in the Ligurian territory. The association, through its members, carries out an activity of continuous training, advice and research related to the functioning groups, both in the therapeutic and institutional field.
A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI) is the non-profit training organization for Group Relations in the USA. The educational mission of the Institute is to study how unconscious thoughts and feelings have a significant impact on our lives when we are in groups: from the family to the workplace to the nation. www.akriceinstitute.org
CASSGO is a vibrant, thriving, engaged group relations organization in China and U.S. exploring group relations learning in China, U.S. and across the globe. CASSGO was established in 2019 in Chicago, based on the work that Jeffrey Roth, Seth Harikins Winnie Fei, and Xiaohua Lu did in China from 2014, under the support of DGCGT, CAMH (Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, Chinese Association of Mental Health) under professor Fumin Fan’s direction, together with lots of colleagues from China and abroad. The purpose of CASSGO is to further the development and application of the principles of Group Relations in the Tavistock tradition through educational and consultative activities, research, and scholarship regarding the dynamics of groups, organizations, and social systems.
COIRAG ETS – Confederation of Italian Organizations for Analytical Research on Groups was Founded in 1982 and in 2022 became the Agency of Third Sector. The Association aims to contribute to the research, training and promotion of clinical and institutional practice in the field of psychotherapy and psychoanalytic orientation and in particular Group analysis, Psychoanlityc Pscychodama, Psychosocianalysis. The nine Federated Associations that make up Coirag contribute to the School of Specialization in Psychoterapy, founded in 1993 and recognized by the MIUR, to the publication of the magazine “Gruppi” to the organizaion of scientific and cultural activities and projects of intervention through the territorial centers of Coirag.
Escuela de Artes y de Culturas Amazónicas
Escuela de Artes y de Culturas Amazónicas is a space for reflection and concrete actions to better understand the Amazonian cultures and societies of Peru. The Association has three pillars: artistic education, research and literary dissemination. www.revistaamazonicasentidos.com
Group Relations International
Group Relations International is a non-profit organization composed of a group of people passionate about group relations, spirituality and social justice. We believe these three are intimately related. Our mission is to create a better world together. www.grouprelations.org
Group Relations Kazakistan
Intersticia works in the interstice, that space where everything is as yet undetermined, anything is possible, and where creativity and imagination are paramount. Interticia provides the support and resources for a Fellowship of individuals, who share the common vision of caring for our World and all who live in it, and aspire to become Twenty First Century leaders.
Lithuanian Group Relations Society (LGRS)
Lithuanian Group Relations Society (LGRS) was established in 2017. The aim of the LGRS is to expand intensive experiential learning in groups, organizations and communities, based on the method of Group Relations learning from experience and a psychodynamic systemic approach to them. The Society also seeks to spread a culture of reflection and open dialogue in society. LGRS organizes annual Group Relations Conference, seminars, reflection events, reading groups – to study and apply Group Relations method and psychodynamic systemic approach in organizations and communities.
Metanoia Institute Finland
Metanoia Institute Finland is a further training center and learning community for professionals in the fields of human resource development, job supervision, consultation and management. www.metanoia.fi
Mind To Move
Mind to Move is an innovative startup and a university spin-off whose goal is to improve people’s quality of life through behaviour change interventions aimed at reducing risk factors for both physical and mental health. The company operates in the areas of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases through a multidisciplinary approach and the utilization of a proprietary software application. In addition, Mind To Move carries out activities in the domain of marketing and development of innovative products and services for the healthcare sector, such as: online platforms, mobile and/or desktop apps and other web tools. Finally, they are active in the field of integrated scientific research and in the dissemination of knowledge through promoting and organizing events, such as conferences and other initiatives open to the general public. www.mindtomove.it
Ofek – The Israeli Association for the Study of Group and Organizational Processes is a not-for-profit community interest organization founded in 1986 with the objective of studying relations in groups, organizations and society, through the experiential learning methodology of the Tavistock tradition of Group Relations. Ofek holds a yearly international group conference in English, conferences adapted to a theme or organization, Hebrew conferences and scientific meetings and activities. www.ofek-groups.org/en
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, is a not-for-profit social science organization-for-learning, working with challenging issues for the public good: helping people and business / organizations to learn, change and innovate, especially in difficult times. How humans relate to each other and systems, how we grow, how we embrace learning and change, flicker around world history. The Institute has been radically exploring the subject since 1947 in academic, artistic, questioning ways. www.tavinstitute.org
Group Relations Australia
- Start:
- May 30 ore 12:30
- End:
- June 1 ore 14:00
- Event Category:
- ecw
- Casa Raggio di Sole, Pasturo (LC)
Via Provinciale, 17, 23818 Pasturo LC
Pasturo, Italia - Website:
- https://www.casaraggiodisole.com/