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ECW 2023 – Group Relations Conference

2 June 2023 ore 12:30 - 4 June 2023 ore 14:00


14th edition

From 2 to 4 June 2023 – Casa del Sacro Cuore, Possagno (TV) Venice Italy

The Energy, Creative Collaboration and Wellbeing (ECW) conferences over the last 14 years have evolved a design incorporating events of traditional Group Relations along with a somatic understanding of the body in movement (movement as being), sound and an awareness of the environment within which life unfolds, an ecological approach inviting sensuous participation. The unifying principle of conferences is that both mind and body inform the dynamics of the here and now. ECW proposes that in the awareness of the body and its needs one becomes available to connect to the earth, its resources, and the underlying interdependence of the whole. Today, more than ever, in a post-pandemic climate, with wars and climatic crisis, it is fundamental to rediscover the dimension of the body, the relationship with nature.

Brochure (download pdf)

Info: ecw@ilnodogroup.it


The twentieth century study of physics and contemporary sciences have shown “that the world appears as an interconnected web of relationships whose parts can be defined through their connection to the whole ” (F. Capra, P. L. Luisi 2014); isolated parts can only exist in relation to their context. Such discovery joins the spiritual knowledge about interdependence, present in many traditions around the world, belonging to humanity and dating back centuries.

The primary task of this conference is to explore how awareness of resources, energy and creative collaboration can introduce wellbeing in their life and work.

The challenge of the work is to extend the field of attention to the unconscious as it manifests itself by observing the language of bodies in space, of energy fields, of nature, of context and patterns that connect the parts.

Interdependence and relatedness, essential for any kind of systemic thinking, is explored during the events. Learning is facilitated by accessing individual, small and large group energy and through awareness of the relationships that develop. ECW relates to social context/culture and to nature and the human place within nature. What is nature telling us, what are we telling nature and can the dialogue of human and non-human nature bring blossoming for both?

In present times of climate crisis these fundamental relationships ask for our attention; they will be a focus for the conference.


This conference is for people from all walks of life, who are interested in understanding groups, organizational dynamics and systems thinking in the social contexts in which we live. Specifically, it is for those who want to explore how to use existing resources in a more sustainable and ecological way and who would like to bring new ideas about wellbeing into their life and work.

Climate crisis is an unavoidable reality threatening the equilibrium of the globe. In all social groups and in organizations, both corporations and institutions, by activating new creative processes, it is possible to shift from a point of view based on unrealistically unlimited expansion to one based on the reality of conscious use of limited resources.

The experience of the conference will allow participants, in the roles of leader and follower, to learn and reflect upon these themes and the possibility of creative collaboration towards the realization of a common task. ECW is a work in progress and a fertile field of research in the field of Group Relations Conferences: we recommend, if you have already participated, to enroll in this eighth edition to deepen learning and develop the ability to apply it in the context of your life.

Deepening Integration Group (DIG)

There are a maximum of 4 places reserved for the DIG: this pathway deepens your understanding of the processes that develop in the GRC and develops your competence in knowing how to recognize and manage them.

The DIG is for those who have already attended at least two GRCs and who are interested in further developing this type of learning and then applying it in professional life. A specific program for the DIG is designed to combine the experience with space for reflecting on the experience.


The conference is a temporary organization shaped by the collaboration of the participants and of the staff. Residence is required: it is part of the learning as well as the observation of the web of relationships developed in the course of the conference’s events. This method requires self-reflection and encourages a free spirit of action-research and thinking.


The Working Conference starts at 12.30 on Friday June 2 and ends at 14.00 on Sunday June 4 REGISTRATION: From 11.30 to 12.15 on Friday, June 2.

DIG – Deepening Training Group starts at 19.00 on Thursday June 1
REGISTRATION DIG: From 18.30 to 19.00 on Thursday June 1


Luca Mingarelli, Director
Chairman Foundation Rosa dei Venti. Social entrepreneur, Psychotherapist (ECP, WCP). Director of Therapeutic Community for adolescents, Organizations consultant. Faculty of Psychosomatics. Past president of Il NODO Group. OPUS member. Creator and co-director of innovative GR events such as “ECW” and “LfA”. Basketball coach. Member of the Order of Journalists. Loves to sing.

Rachel Kelly, Associate Director
Group Relations and Organisational Development Consultant at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and has extensive experience of Leicester conferences and international Group Relations conferences. She is a Member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique since 2006. She’s interested in exploring relatedness by studying the unconscious and conscious awareness through journeys into embodiment, sensation, perception, the imagination, mind/body/spirit and oneness.

Marco Valerio, Administrator

Scientific researcher on the placebo effect, organizational consultant, physiotherapist, and manager of projects supporting small and medium enterprises in the African continent. Marco administered the last online edition of ECW and has been involved in group relations conferences in Europe, Asia, and Australia. He is passionate about the unfolding of body-mind connections, in all their forms.


Tim Jones
Singer, storyteller and voice teacher; public workshop programme, The Nature of Sound; registered Amerta Movement Practitioner and teacher; qualified Craniosacral practitioner; member of the Ridhwan School following the Diamond Approach; researching methodology for the use of “Songworlds” within a clinical context in collaboration with CSPP (Pescara).

Franca Fubini
Psychotherapist, group analyst, organizational consultant; Staff member of Group Relations Conferences; Amerta Movement teacher; co- founder of the Association socialdreaming. it; formerly Chair of the Gordon Lawrence Foundation, is now Chair of Social Dreaming International Network; member of OPUS (London) and of ISPSO.

Nadia Greenspan
Nadia Greenspan (she, her, hers) is a performing improviser, an acting instructor and a psychological dramaturg. As a psychotherapist in private practice, she specializes in working with people in creative and expressive arts. Born in the Soviet Union, she is a proud Ukrainian and a recovering Jew. Nadia is certified AKRI consultant and a Co-Creator of Group Relations international.


In this economic crisis that has affected us all, we have decided to reduce our participation fees and thus make our own contribution. The basic tuition plan contributes to the possibility of awarding bursaries to those who are interested and have fewer financial resources. The fee includes overnight stays and full board from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 June 2023

EARLY BIRD Before May, 15th

550 € + IVA = 671 €

for members of the collaborating organizations
for groups of at least 2 people who register together
480 € + IVA = 585,60 €

620 € + IVA = 756,40 €

After May, 15th

650 € + IVA = 793 €

per membri di una organizzazione sponsor
per gruppi di almeno 2 persone che si iscrivono insieme
580 € + IVA = 707,60 €

720 € + IVA = 878,40 €

Additional individual benefits: further reduced participation fees are provided based on specific income situations – Applications must be received by the 15th of march to the email address ecw@ilnodogroup.it

If you’re going through a period of intense emotion eg bereavement, we recommend you postpone your attendance.

The paid booking fee is refundable (minus administrative and management costs) only in the event of cancellation of the event and/or impediments to participation due to COVID-19 restrictions and/or international travel regulations.


How to reach Possagno. Possagno is 30 KM from Bassano, which is the nearest train station (a shuttle service will be arranged on request). The property is located near the airports of Treviso (Ryanair) and Venice respectively 1 hour and 1.30 by car.

The location. From the geographical point of view Possagno is surrounded by mountains to the north and south, while in the other two directions it opens to the villages of Cavaso del Tomba and Paderno del Grappa. It is a small cluster of houses surrounded by greenery in which stands the Temple of Canova, placed high above the rest of the village, and the imposing complex of the Cavanis Institute of Possagno.

The property. The House of the Sacred Heart, of the Congregation of the Schools of Charity – ISTITUTO CAVANIS, is located on the top of Col Draga (600 meters above sea level), at the foot of the massif mount Grappa. The entire structure, recently renovated and brought up to standard, allows for a comfortable stay.


The House of sacred heart of Possagno offers large indoor and outdoor spaces, double rooms and/or single rooms, large dining room and work space. Social distancing and all anti Covid-19 security procedures are guaranteed (if needed).



A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI) is the non-profit training organization for Group Relations in the USA. The educational mission of the Institute is to study how unconscious thoughts and feelings have a significant impact on our lives when we are in groups: from the family, to the workplace to the nation.


CASSGO is a vibrant, thriving, engaged group relations organization in China and U.S. exploring group relations learning in China, U.S. and across the globe. CASSGO was established in 2019 in Chicago, based on the work that Jeffrey Roth, Seth Harikins Winnie Fei, and Xiaohua Lu did in China from 2014, under the support of DGCGT, CAMH (Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy, Chinese Association of Mental Health) under professor Fumin Fan’s direction, together with lots of colleagues from China and abroad. The purpose of CASSGO is to further the development and application of the principles of Group Relations in the Tavistock tradition through educational and consultative activities, research, and scholarship regarding the dynamics of groups, organizations, and social systems.



C.O.I.R.A.G. ETS – Confederation of Italian Organizations for Analytical Research on Groups was Founded in 1982 and in 2022 became the Agency of Third Sector. The Associazion aims to contribute to the research, training and promotion of clinical and institutional practice in the field of psychotherapy and psychoanalytic orientation and in particular Group analysis, Psychoanlityc Pscychodama, Psychosocianalysis. The nine Federated Associations that make up Coirag contribute to the School of Specialization in Psychoterapy, founded in 1993 and recognized by the MIUR, to the publication of the magazine “Gruppi” to the organizaion of scientific and cultural activities and projects of intervention through the territorial centers of Coirag

Escuela de Artes y Culturas Amazonicas - Emanuela Barreri

Escuela de Artes y de Culturas Amazónicas is a space for reflection and concrete actions to better understand the Amazonian cultures and societies of Peru. The Association has three pillars: artistic education, research and literary dissemination.

Group Relations International - Emanuela Barreri

Group Relations International is a non-profit organization composed of a group of people passionate about group relations, spirituality and social justice. We believe these three are intimately related. Our mission is to create a better world together.


Group Relations Russia is the young organisation with the main purpose to work with the organisations, teams and individuals to help them develop effective systems and relations.



Lithuanian Group Relations Society (LGRS) was established in 2017. The aim of the LGRS is to expand intensive experiential learning in groups, organizations and communities, based on the method of Group Relations learning from experience and a psychodynamic systemic approach to them. The Society also seeks to spread a culture of reflection and open dialogue in society. LGRS organizes annual Group Relations Conference, seminars, reflection events, reading groups – to study and apply Group Relations method and psychodynamic systemic approach in organizations and communities.

Metanoia Institute (Finland) is a further training center and learning community for professionals in the fields of human resource development, job supervision, consultation and management.

Ofek – The Israeli Association for the Study of Group and Organizational Processes is a not-for-profit community interest organization founded in 1986 with the objective of studying relations in groups, organizations and society, through the experiential learning methodology of the Tavistock tradition of Group Relations. Ofek holds a yearly international group conference in English, conferences adapted to a theme or organization, Hebrew conferences and scientific meetings and activities

SPI- The Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI) was founded in Teramo 7 June 1925 and was recognized in 1936 as a society of the International Psychoanalytical component (IPA) established in 1910 by Sigmund Freud. Currently SPI is present in almost all the national territory through eleven centers that bring together more than a thousand between psychoanalysts and students who are active in major Italian cities. It aims to train analysts through a training which provides a personal analysis, theoretical and clinical course of five years, and the supervision of clinical cases with an analyst with years of experience. The SPI analysts then follow, during the whole of their working lives, a continuous comparison of clinical and theoretical activities that ensures the progression of their analytical capacity


Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, is a not-for-profit social science organization-for-learning, working with challenging issues for the public good: helping people and business / organizations to learn, change and innovate, especially in difficult times. How humans relate to each other and systems, how we grow, how we embrace learning and change, flicker around world history. The Institute has been radically exploring the subject since 1947 in academic, artistic, questioning ways.



Mind to Move is an innovative startup and a university spin-off whose goal is to improve people’s quality of life through behaviour change interventions aimed at reducing risk factors for both physical and mental health. The company operates in the areas of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases through a multidisciplinary approach and the utilization of a proprietary software application for monitoring the user’s health status and wellbeing. In addition, Mind To Move carries out activities in the domain of marketing and development (either on its own or on behalf of third parties) of innovative products and services for the healthcare sector, such as: online platforms, mobile and/or desktop apps and other web tools, sometimes also dealing with their management. Finally, they are active in the field of integrated scientific research and in the dissemination of knowledge through promoting and organizing events, such as conferences and other initiatives open to the general public.


Acanto association for the study of group dynamics, federated COIRAG, has been operating for over twenty years in the Ligurian territory. The association, through its members, carries out an activity of continuous training, advice and research related to the functioning groups, both in the therapeutic and institutional field.


2 June 2023 ore 12:30
4 June 2023 ore 14:00
Event Categories:


Casa del Sacro Cuore
via Draga 1
Possagno, Treviso 31054 Italia